Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Here we are again!

This is the second day, technically the third day of the second last week of April. We are growing older and we need to be more inspired and self motivated. A very cliche start to the day, but I guess it needs to be said. This past weekend was literally revolved around movies saying one thing, Live your life to the fullest and bring out the best that you can really be....or just die in misery, self pity and regret. "The bucket list" A well written and perfectly cast movie. Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson brought the message out loud and clear. I have to admit that my reading hit a go slow at the beginning of the year, but the first book that i kick started the year with was worth the while. " The Pilgrimage" By Paul Coehlo a must read. It's the tale of the secrets to fightig the good fight called life, understanding how you can learn from the challenges that come into your life and the power of facing your fears head on for the bigger victory in the fight we call life!

I can't omit the fact that spirituality has also played a key role in changing my outlook on life. The power of depending on God has proved to be a relief and an experience in itself. I am scared, but not alone and with a single prayer things tend to turn out ok! Live this week with inspiration and purpose, cause that's how we are meant to live everyday anyway!

Godspeed in your good fight!