Monday, October 15, 2007


Another day!!!!
Bbeen a while sine i last said something!I am ok,this past weekend has been a back and forth tussle of emotions , trying to put my priorities into perspective! I am better now, focused, enjoying some Michael Jackson in the background and reading a great book, "Dispatches from the Edge" by Anderson Cooper, and awesome read! Being anti- social is the coolest thing ever, at times! Just allows time to reflect!
I was talking to a work mate who fled her desk to come sit next to me on the 3rd floor to play solitaire only to ask me how i landed doing what i was doing here! Then i thought about it, my cousin came and we got talking and it more or less threw are harder punch to my gut! I need to get back into the light of conventional writing some more!!!
Seriously!!! Need to get to work!

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